Here you'll find the Thetahealing courses I'll teach in English!
I love travelling, so if you have a group of people interested in studying ThetaHealing and become certified ThetaHealing Practitioners, feel free to get in touch with me!
Next online Course: ThetaHealing Soul Mate - 25 & 26 January 2024
Basic DNA
Dive into the world of ThetaHealing® and discover your creative power
next course: comine soon
The first step into a new life!
The Basic DNA introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant.
The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. ThetaHealing we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. This level we call the genetic level.
You will experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator and you will learn to identify your own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones through the theta brain waive.
Other topics and exercises include:
Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it
Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
Introduction to manifestating in your life
Future readings,
balancing your moods
soul mates, waywards and implants
Seven Planes of Existence
The Power of Connecting to the Creator of All the Is
The ThetaHealing Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are the two main seminars that will give you the main tools to start as a ThetaHealer.
You can expect 3 days filled with new insights
and experiences. Are you ready?
coming soon
no previous knowledge is necessary for this seminar
Upon completion of the seminar (by partecipating to all 3 days) you will receive an online certificate that entitles you as a certified ThetaHealer® Practicioner "Basic DNA"
Seminar Amount
494 € incl. digital practitioner manual (it is required to purchase the ThetaHealing Book too)
​Any further information needed? Please email to:
For the online seminar via Zoom you'll need:
- the Zoom software, which should already be installed and functional at the beginning of the seminar. You will receive the link to access the course a few days before starting
- a PC or notebook with working camera and microphone, the camera must be switched on during the whole seminar in order that I can see you
- ifyou are not able to use your laptop or PC, you may also use your smartphone. In this case a tripod or a smartphone holder is recommended, as you need to stay comfortable and we need to see each other at all times without interruption or disturbance.
- it is important that you'll have a quiet place for you where to withdraw during the course in order to not be disturbed
Advanced DNA
In-Depth Understanding of the Thetahealing technique and belief work
next course: coming soon - online
These 3 days will bring you an in-depth understanding of the ThetaHealing technique and of the Seven Planes of Existence, that surround us. You will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads.
This seminar is a delightful experience as you will be filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate the now and what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
With the completion of the Advanced Practitioner Seminar, you would have developed a strong foundatioon in the basics of ThetaHealing.
In this seminar you will learn:
- how to do healing through the Seven Planes
- more detailed information and knowledge about what the Seven Planes are
- how to clear vows and commitments that hold you back
- how to clear old resentments, regret and regection
- heal the broken soul excersice
- how to heal with the "Baby in the Womb" excersice
- resolve free floating memories
- how to connect to a plant
- connect to your ancestors and to your Higher Self
You will also get hundreds of downloads of different kinds of feelings that will have a positive effect on your intuitive abilities and create more well-being on all levels.
coming soon
ThetaHealing Basic DNA
Upon completion of the seminar (by partecipating to all 3 days) you will receive an online certificate that entitles you as a certified ThetaHealer® Practicioner "Advanced DNA"
Seminar Amount
494 € incl. digital practitioner manual (it is required to purchase the ThetaHealing Book too)
For any further information please email to:
For the online seminar via Zoom you'll need:
- the Zoom software, which should already be installed and functional at the beginning of the seminar. You will receive the link to access the course a few days before starting
- a PC or notebook with working camera and microphone, the camera must be switched on during the whole seminar in order that I can see you
- ifyou are not able to use your laptop or PC, you may also use your smartphone. In this case a tripod or a smartphone holder is recommended, as you need to stay comfortable and we need to see each other at all times without interruption or disturbance.
- it is important that you'll have a quiet place for you where to withdraw during the course in order to not be disturbed
Dig Deeper
Get your solid grounding and confidence in digging for beliefs
next course: coming soon - online
The ThetaHealing Technique is fabulous for getting to the origin of our issues because Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called "digging". This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing technique then uses unconditional love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.
This seminar is designed to get you well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won't know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.
This seminar will empower you to help your clients understand their own behaviours and lives, then through helping them make healing changes you'll be able to emerge balanced and clear at the completion of their sessions.
coming soon
ThetaHealing Basic DNA, ThetaHealing Advanced DNA
Upon completion of the seminar (by partecipating to all 3 days) you will receive an online certificate that entitles you as a certified ThetaHealer® Practicioner "Dig Deeper"
Seminar Amount
494 € (incl. Vianna Stibal's book "Digging for beliefs")
For any further information please email to:
For the online seminar via Zoom you'll need:
- the Zoom software, which should already be installed and functional at the beginning of the seminar. You will receive the link to access the course a few days before starting
- a PC or notebook with working camera and microphone, the camera must be switched on during the whole seminar in order that I can see you
- ifyou are not able to use your laptop or PC, you may also use your smartphone. In this case a tripod or a smartphone holder is recommended, as you need to stay comfortable and we need to see each other at all times without interruption or disturbance.
- it is important that you'll have a quiet place for you where to withdraw during the course in order to not be disturbed
Soul Mate
Attract your divine soul mate
next course: 25-26 January 2024 - ONLINE
This seminar is all about love and all facets of love!
But escpecially it is about the love of self and true love between two people!
We are surrounded by love all the time. But sometimes, due to trauma or fears we are not able to feel and experience love and let it into our life.
In this ThetaHealing Seminar you'll learn:
- to love and accept yourself fully
- the different kinds of soul mates
- hidden programs concerning relationship, sexuality and love
- the facets of love and the difference between soul family and soul mate
- the monogamy gene
- the energetic divorce and how to bring back your soul fragments
- sending love to the baby in the womb
- to manifest your divine soul mate and bring it into your life
25-26 January 2024 (1-7 pm GMT London / 2-8 pm CET Berlin)
Online on Zoom
ThetaHealing Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper
Upon completion of the seminar (2 days) you will receive the certificate as "ThetaHealing Soul Mate" Practitioner
Seminar Amound
440 €
For more informations please email to Email
For the online seminar via Zoom you'll need:
- the Zoom software, which should already be installed and functional at the beginning of the seminar. You will receive the link to access the course a few days before starting
- a PC or notebook with working camera and microphone, the camera must be switched on during the whole seminar in order that I can see you
- ifyou are not able to use your laptop or PC, you may also use your smartphone. In this case a tripod or a smartphone holder is recommended, as you need to stay comfortable and we need to see each other at all times without interruption or disturbance.
- it is important that you'll have a quiet place for you where to withdraw during the course in order to not be disturbed